
Start at dawn.
Go where there are no roads,
no footprints.
Go until your feet blister,
and the sun glints low
through aspen.
Gather wood, water, berries.
Taste smoke in the stew.
Let the fire hush to embers.
Watch stars. Name a few.
Listen for the owl.

– Sarah Russell

For the prompt “finding a sanctuary” on Poets United

18 thoughts on “Retreat

  1. If only my legs would obey I would love to get lost in the Australian bush again that my wife I used to do searching for birds, binoculars in hand to mark off the list with a tick!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s easy to go bush in Oz…small population and plenty of space except most of us don’t and just huddle in the cities.Contrast is very important.Enjoyed your poem


    1. Thanks, Sumana. Between Toads, dVerse and Poets United, it will keep me busy. I just can’t do all of the prompts every week. I want to respond to everyone who writes, so I have to limit the number of prompts I answer.


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