26 thoughts on “Cusp

  1. A beautiful way to capture the cusp of spring, Sarah.I especially love the lines:
    ‘…Today the earth
    is boggy with new grass, tattered white
    in crannies on north sides of things’.

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    1. Thank you, Kim. Learned an interesting lesson with those lines. At first I started naming the “things.” Then took out those nouns and used the general term because the others cemented that concept too directly. Usually it’s the other way around. Can’t do it too often, but it worked here, I think. (At least for the 2 of us!)

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  2. I love those days when you feel like you are standing with one leg in winter and the other in spring. You captured that magical feeling of in-betweeness and sprinkled in the right amount of joy.

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  3. Daffodils are my absolute favorite harbinger of the season change. I can see this scene you wrote in my own yard! The rushing warmth is coming soon–probably.


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